How to become a Full-time Monk (Brahmacari) ?

“You must be crazy”, yelled the manager on hearing that we practise celibacy (Brahmacarya) and live in a monastery (Ashram). I was presenting spiritual literature in the streets of Hyderabad to a group of software professionals and their leader asked me about my life. I told him we get up early in the morning around 3.30 to 4.00 am and our day is packed with various services. He interrupted me and expressed shock at our schedules. I reasoned that we are happier now with this lifestyle than we were earlier. He wondered how someone could be happy getting up so early in the morning when that's the time he and his colleagues go to bed on weekends after wild partying. He was also appalled that we abstain from sex. My gentle reasoning was ineffective; he and his colleagues looked upon me incredulously and dismissed me abruptly. Then they hurriedly left for their office, leaving me alone on the pavement, wondering if I am indeed a member of an abnormal species.

Celibate (Brahmacari) monks are indeed a rare and endangered species, but certainly not abnormal. For thousands of years many seekers of God have practised celibacy and led a contended life. In our own tradition of the Vaishnava branch of Hindu customs, there are a large number of celibate monks like Haridas Thakur and Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati who led a life of strong character and purpose. Even in our own little monastery there are over fifty monks and at least twenty of them have been around for over two decades. And they all are happy practising spiritual principles in the renounced order as celibates.
The reason for happiness is not in practising Celibacy (Brahmacarya), it's due to a strong and meaningful connection to God. The early morning collective prayer sessions give strong impetus to connect to God. Spiritual practitioners who attend the daily prayer sessions feel tangible connection to God; the drive for sex and other carnal pleasures then seem insignificant. For a sincere spiritual practitioner, the benefits of spiritual practises are rich, and while the itch of sex desire remains in the heart for many years, it doesn't distract one from his spiritual pursuits. Moreover, sex isn't a sought-after pursuit anymore. It's rather seen as an irritable impediment on the spiritual path; it occasionally raises its ugly head and then quietens down in the face of strong spiritual practises.

To the extent a Celibate (Brahmacari) spiritual practitioner is absorbed in his devotional principles, lust is not a serious worry; whenever Cupid attacks, the itch is tolerable. However, when the spiritual practises are a distracted performance, one finds material life including sex, more attractive.
“What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage” (Bhagavad Gita 2.69). This implies what most of the world sees as normal is known to be abnormal for a spiritualist and what the sincere seekers see as normal is perceived as bizarre by those obsessed with material pursuits.
If you are humble, sincere, enthusiastic and energetic please come join Hare Krishna Golden Temple and serve Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
There is no minimum education qualification necessary. Ability to read and write is enough. Ability to follow instructions to the hilt is an absolute must.
Hare Krishna Golden Temple does not have any annual or monthly appraisals, neither target or deadlines. No threat of getting fired. No need to work hard.
For life time Hare Krishna Golden Temple will provide you food, accommodation, clothes, medical care, travel, etc., all free. Additionally, you get a congenial work culture.
What are the Daily Activities of a Monk?
1. Promote Krishna Consciousness
You have to participate in distribution of books like Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavatam, Isopanishad, Caitanya Charitaamrita, Updeshamrita, Science of Self Realisation, Mahabharat, Krishna, etc.
2. Study the holy scriptures and inculcate the teachings therein in your life.
You have to study in depth all the above mentioned books and over a period of time achieve mastery.
3. Sleep early at 8.30 pm and rise early at 3.45 am
4. Penchant for cleanliness
You need to wash your clothes, utensils, sweep room, bathroom, etc,.
5. Eat only Krishna Prasadam
No hotel, restaurant and street food allowed. No tea, coffee, liquor or smoke.
6. Maintain and possess a sense of responsibility
You have to ascertain your duties and be responsible for the results obtained by you.
7. Utilize time judicially
Always you need to be chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and reading books mentioned above.
8. Learn new arts
Learn playing of Mrindanga, Kartaal and Harmonium. Culinary arts, singing, vehicle driving and caring of cows.